lifting the veil
I'm better today. Actually after writing in my blog yesterday I felt a lot better and I was pretty much back to normal after going to the gym. So, to point out a few things to myself about yesterdays post:
1. Yeah i do have a lot of nightmares, but that's no excuse to carry them around with me like some badge of suffering.
2. Lots of people would miss me if I died, friend here and in C-bus, on-line friends, my family. Besides, I won't be a mouldy lump under the sheets until I've had grandkids and great-grandkids.
3. No person would ever turn the room where someone just died into a nursery. Crypt; yes. Nursery; no.
4. G would never brink Asslick to my funeral because she knows I hate him. That would just be rude. I'd certainly haunt them.
5. It's not even important, because I don't do favors so that they'll be returned, but G has done plenty for me and she's made good on most of her promises. I can't expect any more than that.
6. I don't trudge on bloody footsies everyday, maybe just a week out of every month (and it's becoming less, I think). I actually stole that line from a Stephen King book to give you an idea of how melodramatic I was being. Most days I'm fine... it's just that when I'm depressed it seems/feels like I've always been depressed. This is one of my major fallacies in reasoning when I'm under the Bell Jar: That things have always been like this and they always will be. Untrue!
NP: MoFro - Blackwater
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