Thursday, June 22, 2006


This is getting a bit rediculous. I just went into the Sumesa grocery and all the girls that work there start whispering and looking at me and smiling and so I start smiling kinda sheepishly and they start smiling more and I start smiling more and everywhere I try to avert my eyes all I see are more big smiling grins, even the older women seemed to catch it. What did I do? Do they talk about me when I'm not there or something? WTF?

Thank God Roselyn wasn't there, I musta looked like... jeez I dunno, I musta looked pretty decent, but I felt like a big red ass, lol. Christ, I think I better ask Roselyn out soon because next time I go in there I'm going to get attacked by *all* the girls.

And now I walk into this here internet cafe and the girl who works here, who probably really is all of 15, is all smiles and batting eye-lashes too. I am officially a big juicy piece of meat... and I'm not really ready for all the attention... but it doesn't suck.

Oy ve.


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