Say What?
Today I was getting off the Metrobus when an old man with a cane and a panama hat grabbed me by the shoulder and began telling me something very sternly. I was on my cell phone at the time and so I completely missed most of what he said, something about my hands not being where they were supposed to be. I left the station and as it happened we boarded the same bus on Eje 6. I sat down quietly next to him, not having any idea of what to say, so I pulled out the book I'm currently reading, which happens to be Carlos Castaneda's Journey to Ixtlan. I began reading which prompted him to start talking again and again I couldn't understand his words except that he said that he was a better or greater doctor than me and something about the black letters of the book. He was very deliberate in whatever he said and he grabbed onto my wrist as he spoke... it might have been nonsense, which would account for my total lack of understanding, but he spoke with great conviction... whatever it was. Then he silently stood up and got off at the next stop. As the bus sped off I watched him stalk away, my mouth hanging as if dislocated.
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