Sunday, July 02, 2006


Well, I'm finally free of the Bungal bonds of servitude! After hours of waiting around and signing my name and fingerprinting - what should have been my middle finger - documents ironically printed in a comic book font stipulating that I won't sue Georgal or do anything sketchy (like they did to me) and that we aren't boyfriend/girlfriend anymore. After all that the lawers at the government office for arbitration and conciliation - or something - handed me my passport and two checks for $50 pesos each, the exact amount it will cost to send Mr. Georgal a first class "fuck you very much" singing telegram. I wonder if they have those here... I would consider it... maybe a lil jingle like...

"Dear Mister Bungal and all his trained monkeys, pucker your lips and apply to my Jockeys. Your famed 'Georgal Method' was a comical farce, I doubt you have method for wiping your arse. But that makes good sense and makes a great laugh since your ass is too crammed with the heads of your staff. Yes, your school was a joke, you arrogent prick, so I hope you get bent and choke on a dick."

...yeah, something heart warming like that would be nice. Anyways, they can go fuck themselves, whether or not it rhymes, but either way I'm glad to have gotten my passport back. Now I can finally buy my plane ticket to visit Columbus in August!

I started working for a new school last week. The outfit's called Language Empowerment Facilitators Association, LEFA, it's a new school that's just starting up and it's run by the mother of one of G's friends, giving them a touch more credibility and a handful more humanity. The pay is really good, 2/3 more than I was making with Whoregal, the hours are more comfortable, I'm not nagged about checking in with them everyday like a teenaged daughter out past curfew or carring around a cheap imitation car-leather upholstered briefcase with their logo bumper stickered on it, and I only have one boss instead of 15 morons pulling me in 20 different directions all at once. I'll be working evenings instead of the butt crack of dawn so I'll be able to jog and go to the gym and do all my other activities in the morning before I'm utterly exhausted. It kind of sucked going from lifting weights to going directly to bed, so I think I'll like this routine much better. The best part is I won't have to screw around with the G's recibos de honororios anymore, in other words, I'll get paid cash. I won't be getting a visa, but there's no false hope of getting one either. I've all but given up on that ill-fated prospect, but I guess I don't really need one anyhow. The only real downside is that there's about a three hour daily commute to Santa Fe, but without needing to fumble around with a stupid briefcase I'll be free to read, or work on my class plan, or listen to my headphones, so it's no biggie. So far it's worked out well, I hope it stays that way.

Well, it's July now, I guess that means I'll be depressed again soon... I don't feel like I will be, but then again I never do until I am. The difference this time is I all but quit smoking pot at the end of May, we'll see if that helps. Well, that's not the only difference, it's that combined with everything else; the meditation, the swimming, the jogging, the weight lifting, the diet, the writing, the cigarette smoking, the career change, the iron clad routine, etc. I'm really running out of changes to make my life more healthy and balanced, lord knows I've been trying my best... I guess if nothing's different this time I'll double up on my meds... and after that ...?


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